Remove Fake Antivirus - Программа для удаления поддельных
антивирусов с вашего компьютера. Предназначена для удаления: Antivirus
BEST, System Security, Personal Antivirus, System Security 2009, Malware
Doctor, Antivirus System Pro, WinPC Defender, Anti-Virus-1, Spyware
Guard 2008, System Guard 2009, Antivirus 2009, Antivirus 2010, Antivirus
Pro 2009, Antivirus 360 и его разновидности, MS Antispyware 2009. Всё
вышеперечисленное - поддельные антивирусы, которые являются вирусами или
троянами. Remove Fake Antivirus is used to remove Cyber Security,
Braviax, Alpha Antivirus, Green AV, Windows Protection Suite, Total
Security 2009, Windows System Suite, Personal Antivirus, Anti-Virus-1,
Spyware Guard 2008, System Guard 2009, Antivirus 2009, System Security,
Antivirus 2010. It can also remove Antivirus Pro 2009,
Antivirus 360, MS Antispyware 2009, Malware Doctor, AntivirusBEST,
System Security 2009, Antivirus System Pro, WinPC Defender (all of them
are fake antivirus which are viruses or trojans) from your computer.
Remove Fake Antivirus is used to remove fake antivirus which are viruses
or trojans.